Authentic Garlic Naan Recipe + An Authentic Indian Recipe Website

Prep Time
140 mins
Cook Time
2 mins


  • 3/4 tsp yeast
  • 1/4 cup luke warm whole milk not to exceed 110°F
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour or bread flour sifted
  • 1/2 cup plain whole yogurt or greek yogurt
  • 2 tbsp luke warm milk
  • 2 tbsp melted butter
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt or
  • 1 tsp garlic salt
  • green onion, za'atar, cilantro or garlic salt to garnish


  1. In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine yeast and 1/4 cup luke warm milk. Let sit for 10 minutes for the yeast to wake up. You should notice small bubbles forming on the top of your mixture.
  2. Using a dough hook, add flour, yogurt, sugar and salt until decently incorporated. Slowly add in remaining milk and melted butter. You should be left with a sticky wet ball.
  3. Remove dough hook and bowl and loosely cover the rim of the bowl with saran wrap, allowing one side to be loose to let gases escape as the bread starts to rise.
  4. Let sit in a warm spot for about 2 hours until doubled in size.
  5. When you bread dough has doubled, spread some flour on a flat surface and cut the dough into 6-8 equal balls, careful not to handle the dough too much.
  6. Roll out each ball, as you are doing so, add your desired garnish if any and roll it into one side of the dough. Set aside once all dough pices have been rolled out into a small circle.
  7. Heat a cast iron pan over medium high heat and add a little oil to the bottom to keep the naan from sticking.
  8. Once the pan is hot and slightly smoking, add one naan at a time to the surface and cook for roughly 30 seconds to 1 minutes per side. It should bubble up when you flip it onto the other side.
  9. Remove from heat and eat immediately.